Ugly Num


Posted by Mickey on May 5, 2018

记录一道ugly num的题目,该题给出一个数字n,需要程序给出第n个丑陋数,丑陋数的定义是数字拆解到最后,只能由2,3,5三个数字联乘,比如30 = 2 * 3 * 5就是丑陋数,而14 = 2 * 7由于7的存在,不是一个丑陋数,需要注意的是,1是一个特殊的丑陋数


Write a program to find the n-th ugly number.

Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 is the sequence of the first 10 ugly numbers.

Note that 1 is typically treated as an ugly number, and n does not exceed 1690.

看到这道题,我首先想到的做法是遍历 + 动态规划的方法,用一个数组记录数是否为丑陋数,遍历判断当前数是否能够整除2,3,5,如果能,则当前数的丑陋性由相处之后的数决定,否则为非丑陋数,代码如下

class Solution(object):
  def nthUglyNumber(self, n):
      :type n: int
      :rtype: int
      if n <= 6:
        return n
      flag = [True] * 7
      i, cnt_ugly_num, res = 7, 6, None
      while True:
        if (i % 2 == 0 and flag[i / 2]) or \
            (i % 3 == 0 and flag[i / 3]) or \
            (i % 5 == 0 and flag[i / 5]):
          cnt_ugly_num += 1
          if cnt_ugly_num == n:
            res = i
        i += 1
      return res


class Solution(object):
    def nthUglyNumber(self, n):
        :type n: int
        :rtype: int
        ugly_num = [1]
        i2 = i3 = i5 = 0
        while len(ugly_num) < n:
          while ugly_num[i2] * 2 <= ugly_num[-1]: i2 += 1
          while ugly_num[i3] * 3 <= ugly_num[-1]: i3 += 1
          while ugly_num[i5] * 5 <= ugly_num[-1]: i5 += 1
          ugly_num += min(ugly_num[i2] * 2, ugly_num[i3] * 3, ugly_num[i5] * 5),
        return ugly_num[-1]

后来看discuss,发现还有一种效率最快的解决方法,直接得倒范围内所有的丑陋数,然后排序,得到第n个完事了,代码如下,这里解释一下,3 ** 20就大于2 ** 31了,5 ** 14同理

class Solution:
    ugly = sorted(2**a * 3**b * 5**c
                  for a in range(32) for b in range(20) for c in range(14))
    def nthUglyNumber(self, n):
        return self.ugly[n-1]